A believer of movement
even when everything hurts
During Jeff’s health challenge, I became very aware of my body’s niggles and discomforts. My right hip would sting and ache. My right foot would stiffen. The outside of my right knee would tingle.
I remembered what I knew about pain—Pain doesn’t always mean injury. Pain is multidimensional.
My heart hurt. My mind was consumed with what-ifs and whys. I was experiencing a range of emotions. Of course, my body was letting me know.
Instead of avoiding movement, I leaned into it. I continued my runs and walks.
I recognized the importance of movement to relieve stress, calm my nervous system, and boost my spirits—another tool I made sure to make time for.
At the end of each chapter of A REAL BALLBUSTER: Untangling Testicular Cancer Together, you’ll find a section titled— It’s Your Move. A movement will be listed with the link to the ‘It’s Your Move’ YouTube channel. (Feel free to subscribe)
Here you will find a playlist with me demonstrating each movement along with a description. These are some of my favorite exercises and stretches I turned to. I wanted to share them with you. Movement provides renewed energy and optimism. It helps uplift us emotionally and physically.
Try out the movements in my videos. Take what you find helpful and leave the rest. Keeping our bodies active can be an important act of self-care. I hope these exercises provide a positive outlet for you like they did for me.
Take good care,
What movement(s) from these videos have you found helpful? I would love to know. Please share in the comments below.
Tadasana firm
Resolve will conquer mountains
Belief within sight
Hi Julie! To keep moving is to honor life? I remember the first yoga class I went to—wearing a scarf to cover my bald head.
I felt self-conscious, but had decided I would honor my regular Tuesday practice.
Throughout my treatment, the only classmate who called attention did so by wearing a scarf-in-solidarity. :)
Here, here to — keep moving!
I’m always heartened by your generosity, Julie. Generosity with your time, and sharing of your skill set with others.