I grab the handle to the sliding glass door— five miles at 5 am. I pause—a rabbit. Ears point straight up, eyes round and dark munching the freshly mowed grass, her breakfast.
My shoulders relax. I release the grip and my right-hand drops to my side. I stand at the glass door to witness this morning's delight. I’m mesmerized.
She looks up at me, hops a few feet, and stops to nibble the grass. I’m grateful for the rabbit to greet me, to encourage me to get going. I open the door gently and step out with my right foot mindful of the morning.
Where will you find your moment of mindfulness?
A MOMENT (haiku) Step out—my right foot A moment of mindfulness Rabbit munches grass
REMINDER: Run to Write Community (writing group) meets tomorrow evening from 6:30 PM (EST) until 7 pm on zoom. Come join us! Write for 10 minutes or the entire 30 minutes it’s your choice. Questions…hit reply to this email or comment below.