Today is a new day.
Whatever happened yesterday… walk it out, run it out, dance it out, sing it out, cry it out, write it out, scream in the woods it out,…let it go.
Throw it all up to the birds and let them carry your troubles, problems, or worries on their wings today.
May you be happy, may you be well, may you be at ease.
Poem of the Day:
A NEW DAY Riled up run I’ve come undone Negative emotions high Sigh My panties in a bunch What can I punch? This beauitful green tree Standing tall and greeting me Or this bird singing Good morning— rise and shine God’s wonderful design My heart softens It’s a new day Let go of yesterday Easier said then done, I will pound the pavement And run! Body in motion Untwist these emotions A way to cope Shake it out I am pissed— I hear the birds shout We can assist Drop the anger, frustration, sadness It won’t serve you We’ll carry it on our wings This is what we do My heart sings My spirit rejoices I’m not alone Nature is truth I can let go.
I got to walk in a huge quarry with my girls for Mother's Day!
It is truly amazing what a nature walk can do for a mood. 😘