see which ones resonate with you this week.
While Jeff underwent chemotherapy, I relied on several affirmations to help me cope. Each morning, I'd write these affirmations in my notebook.
Throughout the day, I'd repeat them to myself, especially when feeling overwhelmed by the extra responsibilities.
Feel free to revisit this list whenever you need encouragement, or write down your favorites to keep them handy.
Affirmations (print or download them if you would like)
I would love to know if one or two resonate with you.
I wrote our experience in the book— A REAL BALLBUSTER: Untangling Testicular Cancer Together and to see if it’s for you please visit my website.
Have a wild Wednesday!
P.S. I won’t be in your inbox every Wednesday. I may pop in every once in a while.
See you tomorrow. :)
I love these - thank you so much for sharing them with us.
My favorite affirmation on the list would be the one about the willingness to piviot and adapt. Both are very scary and uncomfortable to do so I may need loads of practice as change is constant. ..Ohhh no...I just forgot I had water boiling in my teapot on the stove warming water for coffee.