30 Years Ago A farmer’s daughter— I wore baggy jeans with holes exposed skin Besides the point. Pay attention to the cows Don’t dawdle Keep one step ahead Don’t screw up Focus on your chores —the story I was telling myself. My grandpa noticed the jeans He did? pulled my dad aside and handed him a twenty-dollar bill “Go buy Julie some new pants” My Dad told me the story— one more time And I wonder...
“Since when,” he asked,
“Are the first line and last
line of any poem
where the poem begins and ends?”
—Seamus Heaney
I’m quite grateful for comments and questions by your followers today. After reading your recent post on puffy pumpkin cookies and seeing your father for the first time in 10 years, this post left me hesitant to comment.
Seamus Heaney’s quote resembled the spooky music in a movie where the actors are about to step into a dark cave, their candles guttering. Thus I was reluctant to jump in earlier today with any glib misinterpretations.
That said, I’m grateful for this supportive community today and every day. Thanks for your courage to discuss this part of your young life.
I wasn't really a farmer's daughter, but we did have a cow, goats, a horse and chickens. My brother and I helped whenever Dad asked. Mom taught me how to sew as well. Great memories!! Love your poem!!