I’ve been reading a daily poem from Rosemerry and wanted to share this one with you.
Her words are brilliant.
If you would like to receive her poems too—check it out.
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Take good care,
Standing Beside the River with Lulu
by: Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer
Within minutes of weeping,
we are tossing rocks
into the river, the bigger
the splash, the larger
our laugh, and we toss
and we toss in a sweet
and urgent ritual of loss.
Slipping in the mud,
it feels right we should
lose our balance. What is
this life, after all, but a constant
slipping, a constant recalibrating,
a constant learning to find
new paths toward each other?
This life, it turns out,
is likely to pick us up
and throw us into the deep
to see what happens next.
But on this night,
we pick up more stones
and toss and toss and toss.
Not one of them floats.
But we do.
Beautiful. The resiliency of the human spirit is what I am feeling.
Very sweet of you to offer Jules but I love whatever privacy I can maintain. But thank you!!!!!