Even if no one read me, what would I write about?
This was the best question to ask myself. It took the pressure off and I wrote.
The result: two books that I can share with my family and friends- here, I made this.
And if they are not read I’m still happy and grateful because in writing over the last year I’m slowly finding my voice and finding who I am.
I am creative.
You know how many years I believed the opposite. I am not creative.
Where did that sentence come from? And why did I believe it for so long? I’m happy I’ve let it go. It is outdated.
The labels I’ve been given, the titles, the who “I’m supposed to be” I was able to untangle it all with writing. This untangling started a while ago yet it was in writing my memoir that I feel the healing went even deeper. I got really quiet in my writing and some things I shared in the book and some things I didn’t, yet writing it all out gave me back the power.
Even if no one read me, what would you write about?
Poem of the Day:
Snow Smiles
Snow blanket covers
Sticks to the ground green turns white
Laughter fills the air
Roll, tumble, slide, powder play
Snow brings smiles to the woods