My son Brindsley turns nine today!
I woke up this morning feeling sad and anxious. Then I was mad at myself for feeling sad and anxious! I want to feel happy and excited.
Okay. Breathe Julie. Time to look at my thoughts. What are you thinking? I began writing and these two thoughts showed up.
How can he already be nine? Why does the time go so fast?
No wonder why I feel sad and anxious.
I want to feel excited. I want to feel happy. What do I want to think to feel happy, to feel excited about Brindsley turning nine?
This is the work I did this morning. AND this is my win.
Brindsley will have a birthday every February 11th, that is a fact. How I want to think about this circumstance is up to me.
This is hard work but it is available to us all.
I switched my thoughts around this morning.
Brindsley is nine today and I can’t wait to celebrate him today with hugs & kisses, his favorite food, and gifts. That thought makes me feel excited.
I always wanted a son just like Brindsley. That thought makes me feel happy.
Are you feeling a certain way that you don’t like, consider asking yourself, “What am I thinking?”
Poem of the Day:
A Cinquain: Brindsley Brindsley Our joy each day Son we always wanted Indominable spirit, love Sunshine
Yes Julie, I feel anxious and sad sometimes when I think how the years fly by!
Love this quote ‘Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift. That’s why they call it the present.’
We all just need to enjoy each ‘magic, ordinary day’ because it truly is a gift from God 💕🙏🏼
Have a great day celebrating Brindsley❤️🎉
I know how you are feeling and I am happy that Brindsley is turning 9. It will be a birthday to remember!🎂🎉❤️