Birthday Haiku (to my sister Michelle) May you always keep your smile, light for us all bright...across the pond
My sister is two years younger than me. Her birthday was yesterday.
She moved to England in 2008. Where does the time go?
She’s learned how to drive on the other side of the road, has had three boys (twins included), and has adapted to the culture like a pro! Her accent when we speak on the phone makes me laugh every time. Pants…no trousers. Diaper…no napping. She is now officially a British citizen.
I am so proud of her and her courage. I miss her dearly.
Cheers to my amazing sister, Michelle.
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Across great big pond
Ties of connection run deep
Love knows how to swim
Loved this picture! Happy Birthday to your sister!! Never had a sister, only 1 brother, who is in Heaven now.