A Mad Dash Mind races with words A mad dash to my notebook I must not forget
I’ve learned the longer I’m out on a run the more great thinking strikes.
Have you noticed this too?
Maybe it’s during a hike, bike ride, or walk when it comes to you. I’ve heard some tell me it’s when they’re in the shower. (I haven’t found this to be true for me yet, maybe I need to hang out in the shower longer)
Anyways, I find it’s on my early morning runs when words come, poems begin, and ideas swirl in my mind. I’m eager to come home to write them down.
My hand dashes across the page with no worry about complete sentences or misspellings. It almost looks like a list, a random chaos of words yet it’s a start. And I feel this sense of accomplishment and happiness that most of the words and ideas are now on paper.
May you get some time today to be alone with your thoughts and ideas—I hope you write them down.
You’re invited—Write together Friday 3/31/23— The last day of March too! I hope you can join us at 11 am (EST) on zoom. Click the button below to direct you to our zoom room. Please reply to this email if you have any questions.
Lately, it’s my daily morning walks with the pup. Of course, by the time I’m home I forgot what I thought of. 🤷🏽
Thank you, Julie, for your words!! Love you!