I would like to welcome, Dawn, Francis, Don, Jeannette, Pharris, Janine, Paul, Nikhil, Donna, Izzy, Niki, Angelica, Claire, Heather, Jessica, and Jenny.
It’s a joy to see the community grow. I look forward to connecting in the comments or in our Friday write together meet-ups.
Thank you for sharing your love of writing & reading.
I love that you’re
here with me at
Run to Write.
A community to inspire,
share, and write.
It’s been a joy
to learn from you.
Your favorite places
to run, recipes too.
The books you've read.
The places you go.
Yet I’m curious
What else would you
like me to know?
You’re invited—Friday 2/17/23 for our Write Together Friday— at 11 am (EST) on zoom. Click the button below.
Wonderful sentiment Holly, I agree. Thank you Julie for always providing this space on Fridays, showing up even when you're not feeling well! See you Friday.
I love that in a world that is telling me I must consume information and constantly be in “learn” or “achieve” or “accomplish” mode, I get to sit for a few minutes with spaces and community like this and consume encouragement, poetry, someone else’s journey on the difficult path of life.
I love that you consistently show up, running and writing, Julie. Thank you. I’ll miss seeing everyone this Friday--the office calls me to leave my remote, work-from-home desk for the day.