Turning Into The Driveway Two hands on the wheel Right blinker on, my driveway in view Obstructed by massive wings Brown spread out wide Hooked yellow beak, White head Blue eyes look into mine— soaring Gasp, the right foot hits the brake Is that a bald eagle? Eyes bonded overhead Through the windshield glass I park at the end of the driveway I don’t want to miss him So powerful, so breathtaking Does anyone else see? I shout in my car— Bald Eagle! A sighting just for me. Did he tell me we’re right on track As our eyes met—Stay strong. Did he tell me progress will come I keep looking up as he flys Now just a black dot in the sky. Awestruck— Joy comes at unexpected times.
Writing Group Schedule for October:
October 7 & 21: 1-1:30 PM (EST)
October 14 & 28: 11-11:30 AM (EST)
We meet over zoom. All are welcome.
I have witnessed eagles in flight twice in my life. Once in the BWCA in MN and once on a run on the Loveland bike trail on the Little Miami Scenic Trail. Majestic and Awe inspiring both!
Absolutely AMAZING - what an immense privilege to see something so majestic up so close. Wow!
My mum sent me a text last week to say she'd disturbed a kingfisher when she walked down to their pond! She was so thrilled. They've spent a great deal of time and effort rejuvenating that area of their garden this year - they've always had a large pond, but this is the first time they've had a kingfisher to visit. That hard work has paid off - although she's now talking about having to buy more fish....