Persistent I pick up the pace A wet kiss of happiness smacks my cheeks, eyelids and nose—persistent. Winter is thrilled to show up even when it’s Spring.
I was greeted by large snowflakes, thick and wet as I headed out for my run.
Isn’t it Spring? I laughed to myself. I live in Upstate New York this is typical yet every year I’m surprised.
Winter keeps showing up even when the calendar says it’s Spring. It sticks around just a bit longer. It stands firm.
I can learn a lot from Winter.
Will I keep showing up even when I feel uncertain?
Will I keep showing up even when obstacles meet me at the door?
Will I keep showing up even when I know I’m in the long game?
How about you? Will you keep showing up even when_______________(you fill in the blank).
I hope you do because that’s when life starts to get really good. And we need you. You matter.
Join us on Friday 3/24 to write together on zoom. We meet at 11 am (EST). Click the button below.
Winter does not give up easily, but in our classroom we are spring cleaning today. Washing all the doll clothes and getting small motor practice using clothespins to hang the wet clothes. A pack of baby wipes and lots of little helping hands to wipe down every surface in our room. Open windows, let the crisp fresh air in!!
I do what I can each day, and remind myself that it is enough. I keep reminding myself this mantra, especially when I get anxious about things. I guess I'm a weirdo, I love winter! Summer, on the other hand, not so much. Great post Julie, thank you.