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about writing and running.Is anyone here a KitKat fan? (Join the conversation on— One line, One Love)
A poem from Staring Down a Dream: A Mom, a Marathoner, a Mission.
The Dream The dream began in 1998 to run The Boston Marathon— was going to be great. I was eager in 2003, yet my body and mind didn't agree. The pain took over and consumed my days. I wanted to keep running— push through, shove it down I believed that was the way. God had a plan— I'd have to wait. Shame rooted deep, an inside job I would need to reap. Face my fears, do not hide. He gave me strength and never left my side. To follow my dream I would need to let go The burdens I was carrying, too many, I know. Conformed by thoughts no longer true. It's okay to question— start a new. I held tight to Courage and began to unpack. My load getting lighter as my runs were coming back. I don't need fixing after all. Everything was already inside me— My focus returned to the Lord to guide me.
“The simple things (examining what/how we believe) shall confound the wise (smarty pants know-it-alls).”
I considered that having read your first book, “My Road”, could serve to keep me from clearly hearing/visualizing the amazing person you are today. Wife, mom, writer, runner, never-give-upper.
My choice today is to see “My Road” as a context from which to celebrate who you are today. Right down to being a contented KitKat resistor. :-)
I love this poem. I enjoyed watching the Podcast with Jay Armstrong and Gail Boenning. It was funny when Jay insisted that you have something unhealthy. Lol.