This poem is inspired by the downhill running that’s been had over the last few months.
Lean forward and go!
Do you include downhill running in your training?
DOWNHILL Lean into the hill Charge the climb Downhill ready Breathing steady Sweat drips Legs burn Arms pump You’re over the hump Burst of energy Don’t brake now Let yourself go Lean in, flow Gravity has your back GO! GO! GO! Pulls you faster Downhills to master Strengthens muscles Coordination improves Downhill running Benefits you
Reminder: Mark your calendars for this month’s writing group dates/times. Mirtha, Felicia, Beth, and Karen I hope to see you again this month. Will you be joining us?
Tuesday, August 9th, 6:30-7 pm (EST), Friday, August 12th 11-11:30 am (EST) and Wednesday, August 17th, 11- 11:30 am (EST) on zoom.
Hi Julie, yes I plan to attend the writing sessions. I've got them written on the calendar. Thanks.
In regards to running downhill, I'm in training for the Hood to Coast Relay race coming up at the end of August. I am running 3 legs, each of which negative elevation gain. Running downhill has been my main training for a couple of months, trying to strengthen the ankles, knees and hips.
Running downhill is brave!