I went into this marathon today with four mantras— Ease, Focus, Push, and Believe.
I split the marathon up into four 10ks with a mantra for each to focus on. It was the best advice my coach gave me when I started working with him and I still use it today.
I normally write it on my hand but needed gloves at the start line so used my arm. I learned today that writing on a hand is way easier than on a forearm.
What are your mantras for race day? Feel free to share in the comments below.
Four Mantras Mile 3 Ease in—settle Adrenaline rush— legs want to go Runners zoom bye Ease, Ease Blue marker says Run your race Keep a steady pace. Mile 9 Focus— eyes ahead Runners in front, a giant orange maple tree too Hydration time-check Feeling strong what a view. Mile 15 Push is the mantra. Pick it up a bit— You're an athlete with true grit. Mile 23 Believe, Believe Dig deep, GO! You're right on track Don't hold nothin' back. Cheers louder with each step. A BQ in sight Finish strong— All your might!
“Run the mile you are in”
Wow!!! Those words would really encourage me to dig deep to get to the finishing line, Julie! Sorry for the naïve question - 'BQ' - Boston Qualifying?