Mighty Friend The brain is a friend a mighty plastic one— yes! we can learn new tricks
You’re invited!
Write Together Friday is today and next Friday 2/23/24 at 11 am (EST)! Click the button below to join our Zoom room.
P.S. Next week we are on winter break! My attention will be focused on my family and getting my book ready for publication. However, to celebrate the one-year-old publication of—Staring Down a Dream: A Mom, a Marathoner, a Mission, I will be sharing five poems from the book next week to your inbox.
Be sure to check Friday for the Write Together link.
Enjoy your week and see ya soon. :)
P.S.S. I’ve decided to publish A REAL BALLBUSTER: Untangling Testicular Cancer Together in April—It’s Testicular Awareness Month.
As one who’s prone to rabbit hole excursions, your caption below the gallery from last week (This photo made me want to sing) sent me searching. Walt Whitman wrote “I Sing The Body Electric” celebrating the perfection of the human body. An episode of The Twilight Zone, by the same title, was written by Ray Bradbury. Later in the 70’s a local (in Tallahassee) TV program designed to get folks moving in the morning used a song by that name in the opening. A bridge between movement and joy?
My wide angle rabbit hole camera captured indisputable evidence that you sing in harmony with Whitman. His intent was to portray the connections between body and soul. I’ll be humming that song later this morning!
The brain is cool 😎, we keep on learning!.I rejoice in all the awesome aha moments in my classrooms at school and church. They teach me so much!
Enjoy your family this week! ❤️