I did it again! Thank you for pointing out my spelling errors, and word mistakes. HA! I’m somewhat embarrassed but glad to know so I can correct them.

It’s funny—even when I proofread several times I miss things. I’m human. I appreciate you telling me. Thank you.
A reminder that next Wednesday will be our Run to Write Community meet-up from 11-11:30 am on zoom. We will say hi and then mute ourselves to write. Hope to see you then.
Here is your writing prompt for this week:
Fill in the blank: This time last year_______.
Poem of the Day:
COUNTRY RUN Seven-mile loop Rise & shine Whoop! Greet the day Run with the birds Play! Uphill and down Roll with the trees Bound! Gentle breeze Country air Please! One mile to go Gorgeous morning Glow!
You Glow, Girl!