One More Round
A piece from Chapter 32
Dr. Duffy wanted to check in with Jeff’s symptoms, look over his blood work, and confirm the plan moving forward. This was something we were now accustomed to. We would meet with him after every cycle and this one wasn’t much different except there was light at the end of the tunnel. One more round.
Dr. Duffy brought his enthusiasm and tried to pump Jeff up. He was calm, kind, and had the spirit we desperately needed that day. He offered encouragement and support as Jeff opened up about his mental fatigue and not wanting to continue with the treatment. His third round was a struggle. He was exhausted. Nothing like the first two cycles. The side effects of the drugs were starting to wear on him and mentally he was drained. He didn’t want to do anymore but he knew he must…One more round.
I prayed for his strength and resilience. I prayed for my patience and energy as we endured this last round. I think we have a long road ahead after chemotherapy is over. He will need time to heal and recover. He will need time to process what his body and mind have been through. Some of the side effects may stay and that will be something we will need to face and reconcile. We will need time to grieve.
I wrote this poem after my run. I needed strength after today’s visit and the wind was happy to help me. Thank you wind. Thank you, Great Creator.
Four miles
Easy, peasy
I say.
The wind builds and
I want to play!
I roll my eyes
It’s NOT what
I had in mind.
The wind is strong—
nudging me side to side
Yet the cool breeze
feels great
over the long
months of freeze
Okay, Wind—
I will play
But in return
would you please
give me some of your
strength today?
I feel a giant push
from behind
as I begin my climb.
Thank you, Wind.
Thank you for reading.
April is Testicular Awareness month— Please share with the men in your life.
Take good care,
Good morning Julie,
Your message came through loud and clear this morning. I have no difficulty believing that this situation has worn distinct pathways in your minds - yours and Jeff’s. And still the tired runner carries on. A second wind? Or pushed by the wind-helpfully? Trust in the God of your understanding? Likely all three. I extend best wishes to you and Jeff, and your children as well, as you accelerate around this turn in the trail. Trusting in all things.
Wishing you both all the best Julie. It’s tough but it sounds like there’s light at the end of the tunnel as you say.
On my run yesterday I could feel and smell spring in the air. That was nice. The first glimpse of spring always warms the heart.