Welcome— Sjarmstrong, , Kristin, Pauline, Jeevy, Olga, Marcello, Colette, Bill, Sanjayan, Andrew, Rob, and Larkowl.
We are so glad you’re here.
You’re invited to the next writing session. It will be on 12/2/22 at 11 am (EST). I look forward to writing together.
Thank you, Beth, Sharon, and Holly for showing up on Friday. It was a pleasure to host and write with you. I look forward to seeing you again.
Peace Returns My mind is on the run. I feel tense— swallowed up by my sentences. I turn the corner, and the wind whispers in my ear— Listen. The stream roars drowns out my commotion. My arms glide and float with each stride. The wind whispers in my ear— Look. A hawk soars, an effortless flight high above the tree line. My body softens. I lean in drift among the trail. My mind is like a pond with no ripples. Strength from the wind, calm from the water. Peace returns.
You paint such lovely pictures with your words. I look forward to opening my inbox each day and see what you have created. :)
I was shoveling a path to the birdfeeder this morning. I huge flock of geese were flying over and honking! I had to stop and admire them. Then the chickadees started calling at me to hurry up and clean the feeder! Loved it!!