What does reciprocity look like for you? In your relationships? To the Earth?

Reciprocity Country roads groan Plastic bottles here and there Wrappers on the ground I care. Soda cans in the dirt I frown— Where did all this come from? I stop my run and turn around. Pick up a can, a slug underneath barely moving along. Weighed down by a burden that doesn’t belong. The burden he’s carrying I’m happy to remove Collect up the garbage Mother Earth would approve My Reciprocity— This I will do.
RWC writing group will meet Friday 9/30/22 11-11:30 am (EST). Please join us on zoom to write together for 30 minutes. Link below.
I tell my kids..
They are my audience!..
That when people litter, the junk gets into the fields. The farm equipment cannot yet tell what is hay or what is a can. It all gets processed into the bales that the cows eat.
Sometimes the shreds of junk can get into the cow, travel through all her stomachs and just tear her up.
You know the work and love that goes into raising each animal, just to lose her to someone's apathy when it comes to being responsible with their own garbage.
I love this poem! It makes me sad because it’s so true but I love how you brought this issue to life. ❤️