Silence Fear 90-minute run Conversation pace Shake out doubt— Unload worry Country hills to chase. Two runners unpack the week Fellowship on the road Happy to have a friend to move along with— Appreciation overflows. Blankets of snow rest Five deer commune in the field Everything— will be alright. Creation, movement to silence fear.
Holly, Rebecca, Sharon, Amie, Camille, and Melissa—It was great to write together. Thank you. Lisa, Beth, Felicia, Valerie, and Karen, we miss you! Hope you can join us again soon.
We will meet up again this Friday 2/3/23: Click the Button below to join us on zoom at 11 am (EST).
Yay for fab Friday - always a highlight of my week! It's really nice to have a whole screenful of us sharing that writing time, Julie - as always, thank you so much for making it happen! 😊