We end our 18-mile run in the same place we always do, by a stream. I haven’t paid any attention to the stream all summer. It’s been there yet I didn’t notice—why didn’t I take the time to sit, soak my feet, and rest by the bank? Summer is almost over.
I looked at the stream listening, flowing, inviting me to come over. Felicia walked towards me, “my feet are sore.”
“Mine are too.” “Let’s put our feet in the stream.”
Thank you stream for your patience. Thank you for letting us sit and laugh with you.
Tell me that someone you will notice today and thank.
Stream giggles invites us to sit on the rock—legs dangle, wiggle toes laugh Cold water bursts over our feet admiration—spirit flows.
Here’s the writing group schedule for September!
We meet on zoom for 30 minutes to write together. Any questions simply hit reply or leave a comment below. Please join us.
September 9 & 23 1-1:30 pm (EST)
September 14 & 28 8- 8:30 pm (EST)
Noticing my daughter lovingly and so gently helping the new children adjust to their first day of Nursery Class today! Praising God for her.