Happy Friday!
Today I will _________.
You fill in the blank and tell me something great! Feel free to share in the comments below.
Phone Home Today— I will protect my mind and avoid the noise. Today— I will read to have excellent sentences in my brain. Today— I will leave my phone at home and run. I will be aware of where I place my ear to the ground.
You’re invited today to: Write Together Friday—at 11 am (EST) on zoom.
Who’s it for— Folks who want or need dedicated time each week to write. To do the thing they said they wanted to do.
What’s it for— Write together to support and encourage each other to keep writing, to keep showing up, and to build our writing muscles.
Click the button below to join us! We look forward to seeing you.
Today I will pour heavy cream into a jar and give it to my 14 three year Olds. They will shake it and pass it and and shake and look to see what happened! Then I will give them each some in a cup and they can spread it on crackers for snack.
Good! I can't wait to surprise Connie with her copy! She will be so happy 😊!