We entered the trail as the rain started to fall—my mind focused on the gentle noise covering us as we ducked under branches and stepped over logs. The sound was soothing and calming keeping us on pace.
The more I ran the more I listened to nature and not to my thoughts. It was a great distraction for me as we started the second loop.
My focus then turned to the pine needle smell, the beautiful bright green ferns along the trail, and the tall trees surrounding us.

My heart filled with appreciation—memories of hiking with my uncle and childhood camp entered my mind.
I love the trails. I felt like a kid again sloshing through the mud, crossing the streams, and feeling free.
As we made our way to the start/finish line once again, the clock read just over four hours. Yes! We made the cut-off time-we’ve got one more loop! (will save the last loop for tomorrow…)
What have you done this month that made you feel like a kid?
Poem of the Day:
TRAIL IS BALM Second loop Awesome group of runners go In a flow Rain keeps us on pace Smiles on our face Relaxed and calm Trails the balm We can make the climb Run under the time Third loop is the goal We are on a roll
Yesterday was memorial day and there was a local parade. I went the wrong way and had to catch up with the parade. I finally caught up with the band and I marched along with the band on the sidewalk I felt like a kid.😜