I asked each Run to Write Club member to share one word or sentence describing their experience. Their responses inspired me. I was delighted to see that over six sessions, they discovered connection, community, and hope.
One woman in the group shared a childhood story that had me in stitches, and another uplifted me with her encouraging poems. I resonated with their aches and joys. There was a calming presence, and one word I used to describe the club— courage.
Though we each brought unique perspectives and experiences, we united with open hearts and minds to learn from one another. Movement and writing awakened courage, compassion, and curiosity.
It allowed us to slow down and connect.
It allowed us to listen and share.
It allowed us time to unplug from the noise.
I can’t wait for the next club to start! I miss you all.
Five spots left for The Holiday Edition of The Run to Write Club. Check out the details and sign up here.
We meet today to write together and you’re invited! We start at 11 am (EST). Click the button below to join our Zoom room.
Walk or run beforehand to boost your creativity. (optional)
“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle
or the mirror that reflects it.”
— Edith Wharton
The "Run to Write Club"
Is pure alchemy at work
Better together...
Jules, you start with movement, you add Nature and breath, space to "be", and trust emerges, joy bubbles up, the mind flows, conversation begins and "life" blossoms.
Courage, compassion, curiosity and creativity! Absolutely brilliant!