I’ve noticed something that helps me when I’m running and feeling blah…create a haiku. It reminds me to pay attention to what I see, hear, smell…notice.
The poem below I designed from one of my morning runs in the snow. It became my mantra as I repeated it over and over until I got home to write it down.
What action do you take when you’re feeling blah? Let’s make another Haiku out of our responses.
High Spirits Cruise along over Ice, slush, and snow…sneakers hold Steady as I grow
Let’s write together! We meet today at 11 am (EST). Click the button below to join our Zoom room.
Keurig brews full mug
While World Wide Web I peruse
Setting tone for day
Well, I was feeling blah and then went for a 5-mile run in the warm December morning - thus missing your writing time today - and voila I am chipper as can be now!