I find myself asking this question a lot- What else can I do or what more can I do to bring my family joy, peace, or love.
What else besides a hug, a kiss, or a smile. What else besides a meal, a note of encouragement, or a smoothie. What else besides another blanket or heat pad.
What else can I do?
I wonder if other caretakers find themselves asking this question like me.
I’m practicing holding space for my husband and for my children. It’s hard because that question comes up. I feel I need to be doing more or doing something. Yet maybe it’s just being still with those we love. Sitting with them and not saying anything.
Be still with what is.
Poem of the Day:
Stillness Snow snuggles the branches Cardinal sits at the very top of the tree Bright red staring at me So still Reminding me to Be still Hold Jeff’s hand No words are needed Be still Sit with my children Only listen Nothing to fix Be still
That says it all…just being there means the most💕🙏🏼