Here’s what I’m working on for my next book—
During Jeff’s chemo treatments, I would go for a run. There were some days when I was pretty beat down and just tired yet I noticed afterwards I would feel better. So I would take care of my soul by running or walking with the mantra—one foot in front of the other— with no pace or distance just listening to my body. I found myself talking (or praying) to God a lot during these times on the road.
Today’s poem was written from one of these many runs.
Soul Care I begin my run sluggish and slow I notice my thoughts No need to beat myself up Just one foot in front of the other— that’s enough. This is a season of loss and grief yet joy and peace are always available to me. Lean on my Creator— I must not lose sight. Keep my eyes fixed on Him to guide me through this storm of life. Will I be too proud to pray? Will I let anger get in the way? Or will I choose to trust, listen, and obey.
Come write with us today at 11 am (EST). No experience is required— just come sit and get your thoughts or ideas out on paper. Click the button below and please feel free to invite a friend.
A poem for all of us no matter our religion...such honesty, courage, humility and surrender to the mystery that is beyond our understanding. Julie your sharing helps everyone because everyone is suffering to one degree or another. Your faith expressed in words birthed from pain shatters the heart allowing God to enter. Thank you.
Really beautiful, Julie - thank you! Fridays have been/are crazy at the moment, but I hope to catch up with the Write Along in a couple of weeks! xxx