Becoming I’m becoming a noticer of detail— Color to my day OH! Look at this little red ladybug at the tippy-top of one blade of grass her itty bitty legs rub together I wonder... grateful my step was just right. Happy she stayed.
Write together Friday is today! See you at 11 a.m. (EST) Click the button below to join our Zoom room.
Who are you becoming?
I’m becoming unhurried
Linger under the stars
there's the big dipper
Gaze at the sunrise
Soak in the view
Choose the longest line
at the grocery—
And who can I smile to?
I loved this! I came across a ladybird this morning (that's what we call them over here - they're ladybirds, not ladybugs) and it made me smile. I was in charge of wielding the reflector on an outdoor photography shoot on the sunniest October day I can ever remember (it's even HOT!) and I think the ladybird had been attracted by the bright light. 🐞