An Invitation Pen or keyboard set a blank page inviting us to pay attention
Come today to write with us in communal silence. :) If you want to share any of your work at the end please let me know.
Let’s not let it all be stashed away in a notebook. I can keep the room open for an extra 15 minutes if so but optional.
Click the button below to join our Zoom room.
A reminder: Write Togethers will be moved to Mondays starting July 1st. Same Zoom room and the same time. (11am-noon, EST)
Yes! Pay attention! Be aware! Notice!
I intentionally notice each of my Littles. It matters!
I also pray every morning for the farm workers to focus well on their work. To be safe. I am so sad for the two farm workers in oneida that lost their lives, and pray for their families.
As I review my life from time to time, I notice that all my best achievements and all "magical" moments would not have occurred without a laser beam focus to the matter at hand...
The depth & breadth & quality of my life is truly a function of the undiluted "attention" I brought forth.