Come join us TODAY from 11-11:30 AM EST. to write or just stop in to say hi!
I would love to connect with you.
Click HERE to join: Run to Write Community on zoom.
Here is the writing prompt:
What are 3 things that made your life better this week?
Poem of the Day:
LIFE BETTER A pileated woodpecker made life better Flaming red-crest caught my eye Calling to me in the woods Surprise packages from a friend made my life better She is in my corner—cheering me on You got this! Playing Jenga with my children made life better Laughter and time together Hilarious Smile from my husband made my life better He's going to be okay Chin up
So glad that Jeff is doing better! Love your poems too!
You make my life better Julie! This email everyday brightens my day. Yes Jeff will be here for you for a long time.❤️