I’m working on my next book—a few working titles Staring Down a Dream, Belief to the Finish, Believe. Run. Finish. As I start to organize what I’ve written I’m noticing a theme- mindset and what we say to ourselves is powerful. I was reminded of this once again when I ran the 50K.
Two weeks prior to the 50K trail run, I didn’t run for seven days because I was sick. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to do the entire race. I reminded myself to have fun and do my best. I don’t have to make drama around this. If I make the cut-off time I will run the third loop, if I don’t I can try again next time.
I could have believed that because I was sick for 10 days and didn’t run that I had no business running a 50K but is that true?
I challenged myself—no it’s not 100% true. I’ve got enough training under my belt, I’ve run marathons, I feel really strong and I’ve been on the trails enough-I can do this.
When my mind wanted to spiral to “you should have stopped” and “are you sure you can do this alone” I stayed calm, repeated my mantras, and enjoyed my surroundings. I let go of any expectations other than to finish.
I decided to believe that my mind would carry me through the last ten miles and it did. My mindset, a good attitude, and belief in myself got me to the finish.
It proved to me, once again, that what I say, what I believe—really is my secret power. I can be uncomfortable and not freak out. I can manage my mind and talk to myself in a kind, encouraging way.
It made all the difference.
This is your secret power too. What are you saying to yourself? Is it creating the results you want?
Poem of the Day:
LISTEN Brain is the boss It tells the body what to do It needs to be in the game too No matter what you’re doing The brain matters in it all What needs to be confronted? What are your thoughts? What are your fears? Are they true? The body has a place too. Listen in- what's it saying to you? Relax your shoulders Release the grip Be still by the water Take deep breaths Top down or bottom up Both are there to guide you so listen up