Are you the tortoise or hare?
Sneak peek of upcoming memoir.
Today I’m sharing a piece from my upcoming memoir:
Are you the tortoise or the hare?
My friend Kym shared this beautiful question with me. It was a blog post she received in her inbox and passed it along. I began reading the first few sentences…was I the hare and Jeff the tortoise?
I paused.
My mind recalled the last few weeks. I wanted Jeff to be doing more for his recovery. When I had the thought— Jeff get going, why is he still on the couch— guilt and frustration showed up. Oh my gosh! He ate peanut butter brownies for breakfast! I felt panic. I needed to allow him to go at his pace and let go of the idea that my pace was the only way. (or my pace was better?)
Slow and steady wins the race. Pace it don’t race it. These were encouraging phrases I would share with my patients. Why didn’t I have this mindset for my husband? Looking back I think it was fear. I was scared if he didn’t change something fast the cancer would return.
Reading the article reassured me. It allowed me to see this circumstance in a new light. I was open to the idea— I was the hare. Jeff was the tortoise. We could both be ourselves. We didn’t need to change into anything new. I was grateful Kym taught me this. I had to be patient.
We were different. We took life and healing at different speeds. I must let him recover at his own pace and trust we will meet at the end together. Slow and steady wins the race.
Thank you for reading along.
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Love the working cover!
Do you find that in some areas of life you hop and in others you plod? I suspect I’m a mix. A hortise? A tare?
Have a super day!
Thank you for showcasing and uplifting others Julie. I see and appreciate your generosity of spirit. ❤️
I too have moments when I struggle with the tortoises in my life. Not all the time. Not every day. And my way isn’t better. I don’t possess the race starter’s air horn. I’m not in charge! When I remember that it’s easier to appreciate those tortoises and occasionally plod along in harmony. Thanks for the gentle nudge, Julie.