My solution for public speaking: If you truly believe in the content you have agreed to share then the only desire is to focus on communicating that content without fear of how others might be judging you. If you love the content you will love communicating it. I find my fear of public speaking vanishes the more absorbed I am in delivering my message. It’s all about the message and I am just the mouthpiece. I have heard you once before and you were great Julia. At least I was not aware of any nervousness. Enjoy the person you are talking to and love your content. (Change has no speed limits)!
Hi Clark, Thank you so much for this note. I really appreciate you. You're so right— It's all about the message. I will keep my focus there and have fun! Thanks again!
Enjoy your day!
Always love your posts!! Makes my day better!!!
Well you just made my day Faith! Thank you so much for showing up here. Love you.
Pithy, deep and true Julia. Love the title. Thank you!
I'm so happy it resonated with you. Thank you for reading Clark.
It’s gonna be so rich!! So excited to collaborate and journey with you!
Same here Aransas! It's awesome to find others to help slingshot me over the bridge! :) (I can get stuck in fear)
My solution for public speaking: If you truly believe in the content you have agreed to share then the only desire is to focus on communicating that content without fear of how others might be judging you. If you love the content you will love communicating it. I find my fear of public speaking vanishes the more absorbed I am in delivering my message. It’s all about the message and I am just the mouthpiece. I have heard you once before and you were great Julia. At least I was not aware of any nervousness. Enjoy the person you are talking to and love your content. (Change has no speed limits)!
Hi Clark, Thank you so much for this note. I really appreciate you. You're so right— It's all about the message. I will keep my focus there and have fun! Thanks again!