Wonderful, Julie! Not only your writing this book but in your amazing, sustained effort helping your family weather the storm of cancer recurrence. Resourceful, emotionally intelligent, and kind beyond words are just a few traits that come to mind. I’ll certainly offer my words to Amazon to encourage prospective readers to buy and benefit from your work. Cheers!

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Good morning Gary! Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging message today. I appreciate your willingness to share on Amazon. I hope your week has been fantastic so far.

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Lovely hearing your voice read this book. You always touch my heart.

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You made my day Tracy and so grateful our paths have crossed.

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Oh, Julie, I really enjoyed hearing you read your book! Even tho I read the book, I loved experiencing it again, feeling your feelings better by hearing you. I remember that lady who was too busy to see you. I remember how God used a turtle 🐢 to connect with you and let you know you were seen. The miracle in that was that you noticed! I believe that God's love comes at us from all directions. I can only imagine how thrilled He feels when we notice!

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Thank you so much Claudette. You are wonderful. I can't thank the Lord enough for blessing us with your friendship and love. Enjoy this beautiful day we have been given. xoxo

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