“Stay calm, Julie—don’t freak out!” I continued to breathe with my eyes closed imagining my breath as a lullaby to calm my nervous system—allowing my muscles to loosen their grip.
I knew I wasn’t injured—yet pain is always real and needy. I’d experienced this setback before, many times, so onward to my action plan.
I was aware my mind would either help me or make me more miserable— no matter the circumstance. I believe this to be true for most situations in our lives and it’s a lot easier with God’s help.
Yes, I hurt but I had to take responsibility for my thoughts and what I was saying to myself. I would be deliberate with my self-talk— I can handle this, I will take one hour at a time, I can still run—God is with me, and I have until Sunday to turn this around.
My next action was movement—walking and neurodynamics (here and here), and though I didn’t want to be on my feet a ton with the marathon in two days I knew it would help.
My children were with me so action plan laughter, smiles, and hugs were in effect.
Saturday morning me and Felicia headed out for our shake-out run—10 minute walk, 20 minute run followed by 10 minute cool-down walk. When I started to run I could feel the right side tense and tighten with each stride. I shifted my focus to my breath, the cows in the pastures we ran past, and the birdsong. I could always count on the birdsong to lift my spirits.
As we continued the discomfort began to soften a bit and I was happy to be back in a more comfortable cadence. I will be okay but I will add the goal—just finish—to tomorrow’s marathon.
I want to be a consistent 3:30:00 marathoner however each marathon I learn something more about myself regardless of my time and what it takes to show up. This weekend was particularly challenging and a reminder I must not forget how blessed I am.
Stay tuned…
Thank you for reading and joining the conversation.
Action Movement softens discomfort outdoors with birdsong lifts body and mind free
Oh, still in suspense!!!
Did Julie finish pain-free?
“Stay tuned” she implores....
Great story. I am not a runner and I could still relate to it.