How can we endure with joy in trials?
Nature showed me the way
Layers of Joy I go to run to hear the trill of the cardinal a song to lift my mood His chorus— You’re not alone I had the honor to care for my husband sat on the side of the couch was still, listened— held his hand, prayed— grabbed another blanket what else can I do? I go to run to see the blue jay Dart and weave among the trees He tags along my nudge to keep going... to smell the earthy scent mixed with sweet floral Awakens me— I forget... My husband had bundled up I fastened my seatbelt A drive unwelcome Paperwork, scans, waited... Bloodwork, more scans, waited... A time bandit And yet I learn to embrace the layers of joy and tribulation
Over these last few years, I've honored both joy and trial.
When Jeff was enduring chemotherapy treatments, my Great Creator sustained me. An unshakable joy—sights, sounds, and smells— was always available. I just needed to step outside. The trial we faced, was my reminder, not to forget I need Him.
I believe Maggie Smith is right “Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final.”
And for those new to this space, Jeff is in remission! Praise the Lord.
How can we endure with joy in trials?
Must death be so near?
“No atheists in foxholes”?
Honor G-d Always….
I wrote the following poem many years ago:
With each breath I am nurtured
With each inhale I am sustained
With each lung full I am loved
I now know I am not the “breather”
G-d is breathing me…
So glad for this poem and for Jeff’s remission!