A New Beginning (a collaboration) Tap! A beak breaks out Crack! The brown shell falls away A song of freedom.
The Run to Write Club made this Haiku poem inspired by the writing prompt—
Hen, goose, duck, chocolate. Boiled, fried, poached, or in an omelet. How do you eat them? Where do you procure them? Have you collected eggs from a coop?
Write about egg hunts, eggy bread, painting eggs, egg-blowing, how you open a boiled egg, about your technique of separating yolk from white.
It was fabulous to hear so many stories from this prompt.
One member shared that one job she had in her early years was packing eggs. She was instructed to place the pointed side down in the egg carton. This kept the yolk centered in the egg.
If the blunt side was down, the air cell would eventually start to lift with gravity, bringing the bacteria closer to the yolk.
She laughed, “When I go to the grocery store to pick out eggs I check to see how they are packed. If the pointed side is up I flip it around.”
I didn’t know this. I was thrilled!
Keep the pointy side down to keep eggs fresh.
What about you? Do you eat eggs? Have you collected eggs from a coop?
I also used to pack eggs on a chicken farm when I lived in Georgia. 30,000 birds. I stood at a table and flatted eggs as they came in on an egg belt. My fastest was 120 eggs a minute (yes, points down, biggest eggs in a separate flat on the shelf, cracked but not leaking eggs up on the shelf in a different flat, very dirty eggs in the bucket to be washed).
If they came in faster than that, they would pile up and threaten to fall off the table, so I had to pull the handle to stop the belt. Stopping the belt was not the best, because all the chickens were still laying, meaning more eggs on the belt!
I loved the chicken farm, and raising my boys there. Fond memories!!
I'm a big egg fan. My hens produce them daily. I make my hubby gather them because the rooster has it in for me but I'm thankful for the ability to walk out my door and have fresh ones.