Lopsidedness How else do I describe it? Something is out of balance My mind leans to one side Will a run bring me symmetry? Yes, and closing my eyes to hear the birdsong to feel the breeze on my arms to smell the sunshine to be with my God.
When you’re feeling out of balance what brings you back?
Anything that shifts my attention from myself usually breaks the loop of suffering, lopsidedness, etc. Noticing a dew drop on a leaf to witnessing the spectacular images of the “big bang” from eons ago provides a wide spectrum for curiosity let alone contemplating the miracle of our very own existence. All of it melts my heart and I regain a healthier perspective. Also for me, mood always follows action. There is a lot of wisdom in “JUST DO IT”. Yes roll out of bed, do ten minutes of easy yoga, or walk, or run or empty the dishwasher and my mood is altered for the better.
Just being outside walking around. Listening to the birds chirping!