I want to tell you something When under overbearing control I don’t respond I get quiet I play stupid and I forget to ask beautiful questions. My old wounds show up Dang, it— Why do I stand here in silence. Is that noble? Why don’t I walk away? Is that brave? What am I expecting? A clear, kind conversation the truth Yes— and for some it's too much to ask.
Welcome, Jacqueline, Janet, Dolores, Emma, Sally, Kelly, Sarah, h14241h, Heidi, Russell, Adam, Dawn, Vishal, Jiglesia, and Nadine, to Run to Write. It’s so wonderful to have more folks joining the conversation. Please reply to this email if you would like to share where you are reading from or learn more about our Friday write together.
“I want to tell you something”is a brave move in itself and your awareness and vulnerability are both key to unlocking the secret of standing your ground and finding the space to respond. Perhaps “role play”is necessary until the freeze, flight or fight response is lessened. Practice, practice, practice will see you through those all too familiar moments. Think about what you as Mana Bear won’t do for the love of your children. Harness the love for yourself and become the brave advocate of your own beliefs. You are so smart. You have all the answers within. Don’t let a bully win...
I can totally feel what it's like to put out your thoughts across and when the other person can't just give you the time you want. Beautifully written♥️