Look Harder A tiny flier zooms into view Look! She’s here Astonished by her visit We hold our breath We look harder In awe of her slender bill How she sips from the feeder Wings invisible… Yet we see her Grateful to be in her company to slow down to admire the beauty of today
In what ways might you encounter or create moments of beauty today?
So glad you asked, Julie. My plan today for seeking beauty? A turn of the hose bibb handle. “FOGG-IT” is a super fine nozzle that attaches to the male threads of a garden hose. I’ve used them over the years. Our present run of daytime temps of nearly 100° F have our local songbirds stressed out, sitting with beaks agape! My nozzle sits atop ≈ 10’ of pvc pipe with an adapter for the attachment.
“If you build it they will come.” Positioned under some taller bushes the birds pick a branch and refresh themselves. Even a grey squirrel yesterday. Cardinals, chickadees, tufted titmice, wrens, and blue jays. My favorite yesterday was a pair of Downy Woodpeckers. Moving through the mist then darting to a nearby tree trunk. Circling, high then low, and moving toward and away from each other. Their activity suggested courtship behavior? Glass panels at our dining area afford ringside seats. Blessed.
Use your five senses
Tune into a frequency
Yes, beauty is everywhere. Was it Keats who said and I paraphrase: Beauty is Truth and Truth is beauty. And that's all we need to know on earth.....whether you agree or not, one can always find beauty if we choose to tune into it. Our choice. Yes, always our choice no matter the circumstances...