So glad you asked, Julie. My plan today for seeking beauty? A turn of the hose bibb handle. “FOGG-IT” is a super fine nozzle that attaches to the male threads of a garden hose. I’ve used them over the years. Our present run of daytime temps of nearly 100° F have our local songbirds stressed out, sitting with beaks agape! My nozzle sits atop ≈ 10’ of pvc pipe with an adapter for the attachment.

“If you build it they will come.” Positioned under some taller bushes the birds pick a branch and refresh themselves. Even a grey squirrel yesterday. Cardinals, chickadees, tufted titmice, wrens, and blue jays. My favorite yesterday was a pair of Downy Woodpeckers. Moving through the mist then darting to a nearby tree trunk. Circling, high then low, and moving toward and away from each other. Their activity suggested courtship behavior? Glass panels at our dining area afford ringside seats. Blessed.

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Wow Gary! What a sight and so much beauty to enjoy right outside your window. I’m sure they are grateful for your garden hose. Thank you Gary for sharing. Enjoy your Monday and keep cool. :)

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Use your five senses

Tune into a frequency


Yes, beauty is everywhere. Was it Keats who said and I paraphrase: Beauty is Truth and Truth is beauty. And that's all we need to know on earth.....whether you agree or not, one can always find beauty if we choose to tune into it. Our choice. Yes, always our choice no matter the circumstances...

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Good morning Clark! I agree 100%. We get to choose every single moment. Thank you for sharing your words and poem with us.

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Choosing optimism over pessimism...

This also reminds me of the famous quote from Viktor Frankl, "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."

I choose a way that is paved with unending optimism...

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What a great quote by Viktor Frankl. I love this Jack and I’m with you. Thank you so much.

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Such a lovely question! We don't have hummingbirds here but I've fed 'our' blackbird AND his new baby outside the back door, and stashed some dried mealworms under Jacko the jackdaw's toys for him to find. It's bursting with life out there!

AND I'm granting myself some time for arting - I'm playing with strawberries at the moment, and really enjoying dipping into creative pursuits again.

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Oh really? I had no idea hummingbirds weren't in your area but I love you have a blackbird you watch out for and how cute to see the baby.

This is wonderful to hear Rebecca...your artwork is wonderful from what I've seen on your posts. Strawberries sound fun! :)

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I rode pre-dawn, not to the pool as used to be my usual, but to the library. The moon was out when I left home, the sun was rising when I was almost back at home, and the colors so striking, I took a few minutes upon my return, to start a watercolor on Crescent board, which is a painting commitment I've not made in some time. 🖌

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Oh how wonderful Mary B.! Maybe you will be sharing this painting on one of your posts. :)

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Yes, I will!!!

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Oh goodie!! I can't wait to see.

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Julie, I love that your closing question suggests that we can create moments of beauty. As you have shown here with how your paying attention resulted in your beautiful poem. And thank you for sharing.

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Hi Margaret, Thank you so much for reading. I have to admit your journal Weather Report has rubbed off on me more and more. It's a true gift. :)

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Thanks for this moment : ) This morning I sat on my porch, overlooking the lake, feeling grateful for where I live. My hands held my fragrant cup of java and my eyes gently closed as a smile crept up upon my face as it turned toward the sun as if I were a flower seeking its energy for growth. I paused. I savored. I allowed the moment to stretch into one..two...three.. I have no idea how many. I was part of ..feeling the sun, the wind, listening to the birds sing along with my breath. Awwwwwww. Your words Julie rang ever so true this morning:


to be in her company

to slow down

to admire

the beauty of today

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Hi Laurie! What beautiful words…I’m imagining your surroundings and sounds marvelous. Thank you for reading and sharing—hugs to you.

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I am on my way right now to encounter the beauty of the top of a mountain, called Pikes Peak. We are visiting my daughter Becky in Colorado Springs this week.

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Oh, how wonderful Claudette! What an amazing view you will have. I can’t wait to hear more. Safe travels and hugs to you.

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Thank you for this Julie!

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You’re so welcome Kym! I’m glad it was helpful in some way. xox

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