I’d like to welcome Sam, Jillian, Alpine, KW, Amie, Chris, Camille, Garima, Mindsplinter, oumaa.hass, Brittany, Nicola, and trailrunnersjourney. Thank you so much for being here! If you have any questions about our Friday write-together group please feel free to reply to this email. We hope you can join us sometime.
May your inner coach win today!
Inner Coach Wins “You’re going to run in this slushy, wet snow.” Aunt Phoebe (my inner judge) always shows up, and her squeaky voice irritates me. Her high heels, red lipstick, and mascara want no part of running today. She sits in her chair filing her nails. I hesitate—it is pretty crappy out. I see my clothes laid out, sneakers ready to explore. I got this! I will lace up my sneakers, zip up my jacket and GO! She is NOT leading me today. I’ll run in the wet snow— And pray she melts.
Do you want to start a writing practice? Come join us on zoom.
Here is the link for Friday 2/03/23 (oops) 1/27/23 at 11 am (EST). See you then!
Any questions please feel free to reply to this email.
I am SO going to name my inner judge! I'd never even THOUGHT of this idea....!!!!!! 😍
Thanks for the chuckle this morning Julie. Mine is named Juanita, and she's pretty grumpy and feisty most of the time.