A piece from my next book: A Real Ballbuster: Untangling Testicular Cancer Together
I imagined my family and I were at mile 24 of Jeff’s chemotherapy treatments. We were almost to the finish! We were so close.
My children were missing their dad. I was missing my husband.
I hear, “He’s always on the couch, he’s got chemo (oops, they think it’s chemo and not cancer) and all he does is sleep.”
Sigh…all of this was true.
My gentle reminder, “This is temporary. This will end. There is light at the end of the tunnel.”
Then an idea came to me—great timing.
“Hey, let's plan a party.”
Oh, they loved hearing this. My daughter Delaney got out her notebook and started making a list of what we needed. Balloons, snacks, music…
It turned their entire mood around as we gathered by the kitchen table to plan the celebration—Jeff enduring four rounds of chemotherapy. I found a cardboard sign in the closet and Brindsley got out the markers.
“Let’s make a sign for Dad.” They smiled in agreement as we all got to work.
Brindsley worked on one side and Delaney on the other. I stood back for a moment thankful this was all it took to change the direction of the day.
We laughed as we looked at the finished product. Brindsley added his stuffed animal remarks, “Jeff Jeff (his stuffed animal dog) had been cheering you on the moment you started chemo!” and “Simba knew you could do it!”
Delaney drew hearts and stars on her side with the words “The legend, the myth, Dad!” and “You are the best Dad ever!”
I was filled with joy and admiration reading what they came up with. The last time they made a sign was for me crossing The Boston Marathon finish line. Today, they made a sign for Dad crossing a personal marathon, finishing four rounds of chemotherapy.
Thank you for reading along each Wednesday as drip by drip a book is being created! Goal publishing date March 4th, 2024—Onward!
Take good care,
The strength of community, in this case your family, is evidenced once again. The proof lies in hearing no utilization of wheedling or brow beating (both community destroyers) to enlist the participation of your children. Brava!
Vision beyond clouds
Leads crew up a mountain’s slope
Up and o’re they go