Thanks Jules. Send two books please. In one, please say : Hi Ella, I hope this book inspires you to continue running. Your Grandpa, Clark is quite proud of you! Best, Julie In the other send me a running Haiku please… signed by you. Thanks. Will Venmo $40 tomorrow.

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Please send me your email and I will send address. Uncomfortable posting address on this thread. Thanks. Clark

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You got it! $34.35 and thank you so much Clark!

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Will you autograph

And send “Staring Down A Dream?

Worth a premium….

Jules, I would love to read it and would rather give you the business directly. The autograph would be worth the premium and my cross country running 13 year old granddaughter might find additional inspiration to fuel her future races…?

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Clark! You made my day. I would love to send you and your granddaughter a signed copy! Send me your mailing address and I will send them out in the post. I'm thrilled you want to read it and I appreciate the help in "creating awareness" in your corner of the world.

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How nice that your book is available in a bookstore! Way to go, Julie!

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Thank you Amie! It's super cool to see and great to support local.

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Hearing the author’s voice (yours!) adds so much to my appreciation of those who pick up their quills. Bookstores of the type you mentioned are just the best. Proprietors that know their business, can walk to a book you just named, and perhaps suggest related reads beat the dickens out of Dewey Decimal!

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Hi Gary!

Yes, I was so happy I asked and he said yes to placing my books in his store! Courage won the day. It's my new favorite hang out every Thursday. :)

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A writer’s delight! That’s wonderful, Julie. I was happy to see the support (this time in the form of book buying) this community provided today. There’s some form of dynamism in the Run To Write community that feels contagious! I offer my prayers to you and your family as the holidays approach and a new year is just around the corner. May that all yield

sweet remembrances.

Have you ever taken part in or watched “Gratitude Spaces” which Gail and Elaine Pardi host? For the moment the “Cottage” fills up at 9:00 am on Thursday. As you might gather, Gratitude is the primary topic. Elaine leads the discussions with good support from Gail. I could ask Gail (or you certainly can as well) to send a link for next Thursday’s gathering. Gail usually provides a summary of the most recent session (this morning), related readings, and the topic(s) for the following week. Often there are less than 10 attendees in total. There’s no necessity to share; totally at each participants discretion. I’m slowly learning the language of gratitude. A final Thursday session occurs on November 9. There’s some planning meetings after that re venues and plenty more I’m not privy to. I don’t make a commission by body count. 😉

All the best, always.


I’d like to note that I’m hard pressed to share in that or any other “live” group. Unresolved trauma from much earlier in my life is a barrier to just speaking up! I would add my heart felt good at your sharing the alter call at church recently, including outing yourself for how you felt. Were I in that same situation I would have reacted similarly. Without telling a soul about it. In a stumbling way I am surely a work in progress.

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Gary, Thank you so much for this generous message and your kindness. I have not taken part in "Gratitude space" however would love to learn more. It sounds like a great gathering. Thank you for sharing this with me and will reach out to Gail to learn more.

I send my thoughts and prayers to you and yours as well. I know sometimes the holidays can be a really hard time for folks. I appreciate your honesty here, Gary...you are not alone. Somedays I really stumble in a way that has me wondering... I'm I making any progress at all...Sigh...Yet when I take a moment to reflect, to look back...I see the epiphany! Sometimes small yet they say...celebrate the small. (I hope this makes some sense)

Take good care,


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Celebrating Christmas was agony for a long time. My father had an affair with my 1st & 2nd grade teacher (while I was in those grades with her as my teacher). One of those Christmases he didn’t come home on Christmas Eve. My mom was beside herself and I just cried myself to sleep. Not easily forgettable, which isn’t harm resolution anyway. The discord was like a soundtrack to my family life. Many ugly details I’ll leave alone as they would add nothing to my true delight that you laughed at my “firetruck” story from my youth. Commenting “I don’t know you but I’m so laughing at this story!” A loose paraphrase. A wonderful introduction.


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Heartbreaking Gary...send lots of hugs to you as a 1st and 2nd grader. I'm happy you have those firetruck stories and time outdoors in nature with your mom...heroic.

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We have read all your books except the new one!

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That's what I thought! :) Thank you so much Claudette.

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Julie, I will only send address after you give me total price including retail per book and shipping. Zip code 44122. I appreciate your generosity BUT you have earned the money and last time I looked “profit” is not a four letter word. Lol.

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LOL! You are too funny. Okay...fair enough. I'll check out shipping but would rather take care of that on my end as a Thank you. Thoughts?

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All costs!!!! Please...

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Hi Clark!

$4.35 is shipping plus $15 for book= $19.35 :) I have Venmo @juliebhughes if you have that or you can mail a check pay to Julie Hughes. Send me your address when you get a moment. Thank you so much.

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Way to have your book locally available Julie! So happy for you, and I will share the word. BTW, I didn’t know this bookstore was under new ownership. I must visit again soon! Congratulations!

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Thank you so much Sylvie for your support and encouragement! It means a lot. Yes new ownership AND they are accepting local artists work as well. Maybe something you want to consider? :)

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All of your books so far have inspired me! I always love your poems every day too!

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Thank you so much Faith for your support and encouragement. I' so happy to hear.

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I can't wait to read this book!!

I will need to buy at least 3 or 4

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Claudette, you are so kind and I'm so grateful for your support and interest. Did I already give you a copy? Let me know.

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