Late Summer running gives me wings to soar with enthusiasm an outstretch of appreciation giggling streams rolling hills wide views fields of golden rod where animals emerge ...a late summer gift
What I’m reading— This book begins at the start line of the JFK 50-mile ultramarathon however I’m discovering it’s not just about running. He shares why this ultra was/is a call to act not only for our health but the health of our planet.
Thank you Clark for the recommendation. It’s been hard to put it down. I’m so honored to be able to toe the line in less than 80 days!
You’re invited: We write together today at 11 am (EST). Click the button below to join our Zoom room.
A prompt you could use this week: What has reading done for you? What is reading doing for you now?
Thank you for all your title ideas for last Thursday’s poem. The poll showed a three-way tie. HA! I’m going with—A Place to Rest.
Reading Pressfield’s The War of Art AGAIN! I took your recent mention of the book, along with 2 other mentions as a sign to revisit.
This week on OLOL, Jay and I will be talking about the short chapter about “support as a form of resistance”.
Keep running and sharing Julie. 😊
Glad you like "The Longest Race" Ayre's is special. Thrilled you are running this 50 miler. If you get "hooked" on Ultras, I have a friend who has run The Tahoe 200 three times. She is a medical doctor and loves "Ultras" and would be happy to talk to you should you have any questions or concerns about this race or future Ultras.👣👣👣