Each time I toe the line to run 26.2 miles, I challenge my body, mind, and heart. I would love to say the more marathons I race the easier it gets, but I wouldn’t know that.
What I do know is the marathon keeps me humble.
It doesn’t matter that I have two Boston Marathon finisher jackets hanging in my closet. It doesn’t matter how many marathons I’ve run. It doesn’t mean I will run a 3:30:00 marathon every time I toe the line.
I will need to work hard, push, and face my mind every single marathon I get to race. The amount of marathons, medals, or BQs (Boston Qualifiers) won’t change that. The challenge is always there. Perhaps that’s why I keep coming back.
Sunday was The Great NYS Marathon. My coach called me the day before to give me a pep talk, discuss race day strategy, offer support, and answer any questions. I was excited to race tomorrow and even entertained the thought of qualifying for Boston.
Will that urge to get back there ever leave me?
One of the things he mentioned was “You will need to force yourself to stay focused.”
I wrote that sentence out. I boxed the words, “force yourself” and “stay focused” with my pen.
He was right. I needed to stay focused during the entire 26.2 miles.
I’m (re)learning it’s easier said than done.
I pinned my BIB number on, toed the line, and raced The Great NYS Marathon. I felt strong for the first 16 miles and was on target to run under 3:40:00. I assumed I would get that time with no problem.
Yet the marathon keeps me humble.
At mile 17, my pace slowed down. My nutrition timing was off.
I found it harder to focus.
TBC…(sorry to keep you hanging but sitting for too long after a marathon isn’t ideal. HA!) I hope you come back Thursday to read on. :)
You’re invited! We meet today at 11 am (EST) and I’ll show you the bling! :) Join us.
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Julie, you're SUCH a tease!!! 🤣
Awesome post, awesome pics, and whatever the outcome, my dear friend, I know you will have absolutely made the most of the run! GREAT WORK!
Hope to see you later. xxx
Ah!!! I relate to a slowing pace and a nutritional off-timing . . . . Focusing on staying focused is hard work!