We run because we get to and
the choice is ours.
We run because it brings us
aha moments!
We run because we can’t wait
to explore on foot.
We run because we notice
Our breath, our legs, our heart.
We run because it brings
awareness of our thoughts.
We run because we need
a break from the noise.
We run because our children
are watching.
We run because we said we
would— we show up.
We run because the outdoors
Is where we belong.
We run because we love it.
We run because...
What would you add—We run because… (respond in the comments)
Not a poem, but for my charity cause. The saying is “I run for those that can’t” it makes me feel blessed no matter the run 😄🏃🏻. Thanks for sharing
I don't run, but I walk, to fight Arthur (itis)