Maple and Leaves I look up pleased to notice Maple. Astonished— by her size Her dark red leaves flourish I move to the ground happy to lean into her trunk Empty handed Nothing to distract me Turning a new leaf? She inquires I smile And watch her leaves tumble to my feet My body surrenders her roots my anchor— I am secure.
Thank you to Darin, Sharon, Karen, Linda, Wendy, Diane and Sylvie for joining me on Friday to write. And next week we will be open til noon. We meet back in our Zoom room this Friday from 11-12 EST.
What is Write Together Friday?
This is a weekly digital meet-up that gives you the support, time and accountability to sit down and write with others. Absolutely no writing experience is necessary to join – all types of writing and writers are welcome.
How does it work?
Write together Friday is an opportunity to write for an hour. You write whatever you’d like. And you do it in the (virtual) company of other Run to Write community members.
We’ll be together on Zoom for an hour with two blocks of writing. We’ll take a brief break in the middle and cheers to each other at the end. Here’s how the current structure looks:
Welcome and lightning intros
Two minute warm up writing prompt
25’ish minutes of writing
25’ish minutes of writing
Wrap up and next steps
A huge thank you goes out to Ethos Connect for allowing me to use their Zoom room and structure here.
Love this! I have a huge magnolia that my grandmother planted 70+ years ago that grounds me. Thanks for sharing!
Such beautiful words, as always, Julie. Thank you so much for this lovely autumn reading moment. 🍂